[smash announcer voice]


Juliet Bately (she/her)

A Tiefling and a jazz queen beyond her prime. Juliet's selfish actions in the spotlight has left her with no family to turn to, and friends in all the wrong places. Not to mention more money than any one woman needs. Washed up and wiped out, Juliet craves a new high to replace the rapidly fading love from the masses.

[PROS.] +40% CHA., +100 GOLD

[CONS.] -20% CON., -20% STR.


Bernard Ancre (he/him)

An old man, wizened to the world. As long as 'the world' is a cave on a different planet. After countless years of guarding precious treasure so diligently that he himself refuses to look upon it, he eventually lets curiosity get the better of him. When the treasure turned out to be a myth, Bernard was forced to rediscover the real world, which has progressed quite a bit since his day, and may not be the same world at all.


[CONS.] -20% DEX., -100 GOLD.


Calliope (she/her)

A real bundle of energy. Quite literally. When a malicious sorcerer attempted to give a doomsday preacher 'what he asked for', young Calliope skipped right into his line of fire, eager to start at wizard school. The result? Calliope recieved what she was hoping for; Oodles and oodles of magic. Calliope quickly became more powerful than any adult could hope to control, and now she roams the land, eager to find new fun and sources of candy.

[PROS.] +10% INT., +20% CON.

[CONS.] -20% CHA., -20% STR.


Helena Von Blitz (she/her)

It is a fact that Novakid are not made from biotic material. They age and grow tired, sure -- but they do not wrinkle or sag, simply shift ever closer to that dark red nothing. Ever since she got a taste of the end of the universe, she can't shake the feeling it's closer than they'd all like to pretend, but she's not one to dwell. For now, she travels the universe duelling wrongdoers and trying to do what she can for everyone else. whether that be dropping off spare eggs, or razing bandit camps to ash. every little helps.

[PROS.] +20% CON., +20% CHA.

[CONS.] -40% INT.