Welcome Home!

Don't forget to wipe your feet!

This site is constantly under construction, so watch out for any loose boards!

This is my little carved-out hole in the internet! I am VERY new to web design and html but it turns out this is FUN and REWARDING. Feel free to explore! over time this lil place will be filled with loads of little pages to find and places to go! I've been neglecting it a little (hence all the dead leaves!) but i really want to spruce it back up, and make it so much busier

this site is not mobile friendly. sorry (not really. but if its any consolation, it should look fine on tablets. i occassionally work on this site from my ipad and honestly it doesnt look Awful)

Tumblr - @frogs-foot Discord - @frogsfoot Instagram - @frogs.foot


31/12/23- another colour scheme change is in the works, but i want to totally refresh the vibe around here, so it might take some time to come through! i'm mainly housekeeping for the most part right now :D

04/10/23- pallette and header updated again lol - I'd love to learn how to give people options for colour pallettes, and it's been on my to-do list since the founding of the site. current plans are to finish those sad shrines. poor things.

03/06/23- WOO new colour scheme! the last blossoms have fallen, meaning it is PARTY TIME! still VERY busy irl, but hopefully things will warm up around here! (let me have these puns PLEASE. theyre for my mental health)
16/03/23 woah i've been neglecting this place! this week i've added a shrine and a shrine nav page. and i actually added links to the sitemap!
21/02/23- added an about me page (home and 'about me' are now seperate!), and spiced things up with a few dividers!
19/02/23-added the credits, love page and 404 page!
18-02-23-updated the nav bar to be a javascript program! should make things a little quicker!